Graduate students condense their theses into 3 minutes and present to judges at the college level.
On February 2, the College of Nursing hosted its annual 3-minute thesis competition (3MT). At this event, graduate students condense their theses or master’s projects, which are often seven to fifteen pages long, into a 3-minute presentation. Students are evaluated on how clearly and effectively they can communicate their topic to those unfamiliar with it. Judges award the top three performances, and the first-place winner of the competition at the College of Nursing can compete on a university-wide level to win a cash prize.

The third-place winner for this year was Angela Jacobs, who presented about parental use and perceptions of vaccine information statements (VIS). Second place was awarded to Kea Snow and her presentation on mental health literacy in native Hawaiians and other pacific islanders. First place was given to Robert Ke
msly for his presentation on social determinants of health and diabetes prevalence. As the winner, he will be moving on to the University level.

Robert enjoyed the 3MT process and learned a lot from condensing his material. He said, “I could go back to the drawing board and apply my information to a different audience. The conclusions I made were much more accessible, and I think the 3-minute thesis will save my thesis in general. I will adapt my thesis to what I learned by condensing it.” He also mentioned how although he is nervous about the next presentation, he is also excited to present his research again.
The College of Nursing wishes the best for Robert as he represents nurses, competing at the University level with other graduate students on Thursday, March 15.