BYU College of Nursing Choose 2 Give "Scrub Walk" Skip to main content

BYU College of Nursing Choose 2 Give "Scrub Walk"

At the heart of Brigham Young University's mission lies a commitment to service and philanthropy, embodied by initiatives like Choose2Give.

Choose2Give is more than just a fundraising campaign; it's a testament to our students' dedication to giving back and serving others, both now and throughout their lives. Over the span of two weeks, each college within BYU promotes Choose2Give by hosting a series of events and encouraging donations. The aim? To empower students to become true philanthropists, all while supporting their peers. And the BYU College of Nursing's recent Scrub Walk exemplified this mission perfectly.

On Friday, March 8th, 2024, students, faculty, and friends alike took their seats in the Varsity Theater full of anticipation for the start of the first ever BYU College of Nursing “Scrub Walk”. Reminiscent of a traditional pageant, the walk featured nine male nursing students from varying semesters of the college. One after the other, they energetically crossed the stage in their scrubs to a song of their choosing and a cheering crowd 80-strong.

Following the walk, each participant performed a talent. A diverse and entertaining display, these talents included everything from gator wrestling to captivating musical performances and other unique acts. After the talents, the final portion of the competition required participants to demonstrate CPR on a mannequin. It was a night where inhibitions were shed, and participants wholeheartedly immersed themselves in their performances, eliciting laughter and applause from all in attendance.

However, the highlight of the evening was the innovative fundraising component. In line with the Choose2Give campaign, audience members were invited to vote for their favorite participant, with each vote translating into a dollar donated towards scholarships for students at the College of Nursing. The result? A remarkable total of $576 raised, directly benefiting students and exemplifying the power of collective generosity.

After the votes were counted, fourth semester student, Garett Ferrero took the title of “Mr. Scrubs 2024”. Together he and fellow participant, Jake Loutensock, won their cohort the Chick-Fil-a party prize with a grand total of 267 votes. The success of the Scrub Walk underscored not only the vibrancy of the BYU College of Nursing community, but also its unwavering commitment to service and excellence.

The Scrub Walk has laid the foundation for an annual tradition that promises even greater participation and philanthropic impact in the years to come. But the spirit of giving doesn't end here; it continues to thrive within the College of Nursing through ongoing Choose2Give activities.

Through March 14th, students are invited to participate in the Choose2Give campaign, donating and competing with their cohorts for the chance to win exciting prizes. Let's join hands as we unite in support of our shared mission: to embody compassion, excellence, and service in nursing education and beyond. Together, we can make a difference that resonates far beyond the walls of our university.