A BYU study set out to increase pediatric HPV vaccination numbers. They presented their work at the annual NAP NAP conference and were published by Contemporary Pediatrics.

Michael S. Robinson, Alexis Petersen, Jason C. Warhurst, Christopher I. Macintosh, Janelle L. B. Macintosh, Karlen E. Luthy, and Lacey M. Eden of the BYU Family Nurse Practitioner program recently had the opportunity to present their research on the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination at the National Association of Pediatric Nurses (NAPNAP) Conference in Denver. As a result of presenting at this conference the Contemporary Pediatrics published an article about their poster presentation(read it here
The team of six set out with the intention of increasing vaccination of HPV in children ages 9 and older. HPV is a common virus and over 90% of sexually active men and women will contract it in their lifetime. When left untreated, this sexually transmitted virus can cause cancers in both men and women. However, vaccination can prevent up to 90% of different HPV strains.
To accomplish an increase in vaccinations, the team intended to raise awareness in both healthcare providers and medical assistants through two 15–20 minute presentations. These presentations outlined the research supporting the recommendation to administer the vaccine at age nine, citing reasons such as enhanced immune response and the advantage of requiring only two doses compared to three after age fifteen. The videos also trained the respective groups on how to respond to common HPV questions and identify qualifying patients. They implemented this education in three Salt Lake City pediatric clinics and waited a year to observe the results.
Some medical professionals had reservations about approaching the vaccination with such a young demographic due to the nature of the disease transmission. Despite this initial struggle, after the education and implementation, children ages 9-10 had a 57% increase in vaccination numbers over a year and children of all ages receiving the vaccination increased by 831 over a year. The groundbreaking research done by the team of six at the BYU Family Nurse Practitioner program, presented at the National Association of Pediatric Nurses Conference, and subsequently published in Contemporary Pediatrics, highlights the crucial role of education in significantly boosting HPV vaccination rates among children and making substantial strides in the fight against HPV-related diseases.

Robinson MS, Petersen A, Warhurst JC, Macintosh CI, et al. Increasing HPV Vaccination Rates in Your Clinic. Poster presented at: NAPNAP National Conference on Pediatric Health Care. March 13 - 16, 2024. Denver, CO.