Dr. Shelly Reed Named a Fulbright Specialist Skip to main content

Dr. Shelly Reed Named a Fulbright Specialist

This past week, Dr. Shelly Reed, Associate Teaching Professor at BYU College of Nursing received word that she had been appointed as a Fulbright Specialist in nursing education. Fulbrights are a collaboration between the US Department of State and foreign governments to share scholarly work worldwide. Winning a Fulbright is difficult, and it enables her to travel and conduct research abroad by working as a nursing educator around the world.

Shelly Reed, a woman with brown hair wearing a red beaded necklace and a black shirt, smiles at the camera
Photo by Tyler Nichol

Dr. Reed initially wanted to apply as a Fulbright Scholar to Israel, but due to the pandemic and the current conflict she was unable to go. Determined to go on a Fulbright, Dr. Reed compiled her work in creating simulations and developing educational materials to apply as a specialist. She also just brushed up on her nursing midwifery training by completing a course in North Carolina over Christmas break.

Winning a Fulbright specialist position differs from a Fulbright scholar in both length and location. A scholar serves anywhere from a semester to a year in one location to conduct research and teach. A specialist can serve in multiple countries, depending on interest, though the length is confined to a few weeks at a time.

Specialists also serve over a period of three years to enable potential longitudinal studies. The goal will be to create a stronger relationship with professionals in the country to create long-term solutions for the region.

Dr. Reed now hopes to secure a country to serve in by applying to open positions with the World Health Organization, Fulbright itself, Doctors Without Borders, or any other way possible. She hopes that the extra training she did will improve her chances of finding professionals to work and research with and a location to visit.

A blue sphere logo next to the word Fulbright

“I honestly pray every night how I can be more helpful using the gifts I have,” shared Dr. Reed. “I want to have an open mind about how Heavenly Father can use me to be of service in the way He wants.”

If any alumni are aware of opportunities for a nurse educator abroad, email shelly-reed@byu.edu.