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Learning During a Pandemic

If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is that change is not always bad. In fact, if we fail to provide ourselves with the opportunity to slow down and look at how we can improve our programs and institutions, ultimately, it will be to our detriment.

BYU's College of Nursing has always endeavored to encourage our students to strive for the highest standard of nursing possible: The Savior's standard. It is a high bar, to be sure. Though we doubt we'll ever reach "perfect" nursing, the college is constantly striving to seek ways in which we can better instruct our students in their performance of the Healer's art. Petr Ruda, assistant teaching professor, is one member of a very capable team that is working on one of those improvements.

Along with nursing professors Julie Valentine, Katreena Merrill, Daphne Thomas, Peggy Anderson, Sheri Tesseyman, and Matt Anderson, Ruda is implementing a mentorship program between the N292 class (clinical practicum of older adults course) and N492 (the nursing capstone class). For nursing students, N292 is their first clinical experience. Whereas normally, the students would have the opportunity to conduct this clinical in nursing homes, COVID-19 has forced nursing homes to close their doors to any visitors.

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