"Nurse Your Spirit" Winners Announced Skip to main content

"Nurse Your Spirit" Winners Announced

Five lucky winners in the nursing program were recently selected for the Fall 2023 “Nurse Your Spirit” drawing: Kirsten Stepan, Melia Baeten, Ella Wright, Natalie Smith and Clara Wagner.

Participating students attended university devotionals during the semester, marked their attendance on a College of Nursing bookmark, and entered their bookmark into a raffle for a chance to win a “Nurse Your Spirit” sweatshirt. The five winners are pictured below with their prize.

University devotionals are a great opportunity to be instructed and uplifted throughout the busy school year. Students have the privilege of hearing from experienced professionals and religious leaders as they learn to navigate life during college and beyond.

The College of Nursing encourages students and faculty to sit together at devotionals in Portal N of the Marriott Center.

We look forward to this semester’s continuing devotional addresses and congratulate the winning students!