Meet Laura Magleby, a current first-year graduate student studying at the College of Nursing! She loves being a nurse, baking, playing games, and spending time outside. Laura is from Rexburg, Idaho, and came to BYU to have new experiences in preparation for becoming a nurse practitioner. She loves helping people and learning about health, making the nursing program a perfect fit for her.
Laura learned many skills throughout her undergraduate program that gave her various opportunities and career options. She graduated from BYU in 2017 but returned this year to continue her education. She attributes part of her decision to start school again to her time spent in the hospital. After graduation, Laura worked in the float pool, where she spent time working on different units. She said, “I always felt like I only saw patients for one shift, and then I didn’t see them ever again. I think a large part of helping people is getting to know them and helping them over time. That’s a great thing that family nurse practitioners can do.” She continued, “I myself have had experiences where nurse practitioners have been vital to my diagnosis, and I want to be that for somebody else. The trust and relationships you can build as a nurse practitioner are unique.”
Another reason Laura decided to continue her education is her dream to be a mom someday. She shared, “Being a mom is something I want to do, and knowing a nurse practitioner can make me a better mother, family member, and friend. I can be a resource for other people, not necessarily as their assigned provider but as an individual who can help.” To her, becoming a nurse practitioner will allow her to demonstrate the Healer’s art, caring for everyone no matter their background or the choices they have made.
As someone who has experienced nursing school and what comes after graduation, Laura shared her advice for other nursing students saying, “Always be learning new things.” Just because you finished school doesn’t mean your education stops. There are always ways to learn and grow throughout your career; taking those opportunities can make you a better nurse. As Laura’s teachers have encouraged her, she wants to stay up to date on new research and guidelines to provide great care.
The College of Nursing wishes Laura the best of luck as she continues to study in the master’s program and her future career.