Students Research ICU Nurse Experiences and Implications for Nurse Well-Being Skip to main content

Students Research ICU Nurse Experiences and Implications for Nurse Well-Being

In 2016, President Kevin J Worthen launched an initiative to transform the educational experience of BYU students by providing them with experience-based learning opportunities.

Adrianna Watson stands with students Gabby Sutton and Sara Prescott at the WIN Conference in front of their poster presentation.

One such transformative learning experience was a research study conducted by Dr.  Adrianna Watson and her team of BYU College of Nursing students: Gabby Sutton-Clark, Sara Prescott, Baylee Lovell, Tali Gardner, Saydie Clark, Nadia DeVol, and Grace Houston. Their goal was to better understand the experiences of ICU nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The students were profoundly impacted as the results of their study began to emerge.

Reflecting on their educational journey, the student researchers expressed how this experience enriched their learning in profound ways. Gabby remarked,

The amazing thing about this project is how it deepened my understanding of challenges ICU nurses face, especially as I want to work in the ICU once I graduate. This research would not have been possible without the leadership of Dr. Watson in spearheading these research studies in the way that she has at BYU.

Conducting semi-structured Zoom interviews, the team analyzed responses of 20 participants and discovered a spectrum of emotions among ICU nurses, from profound fear to unwavering dedication, encapsulating the tumultuous journey on the pandemic’s frontlines.

Several common themes emerged from the interviews:

  • Despite the safety of their homes, nurses courageously stood on the frontlines. One nurse in the study remarked, “At first, it was scary because we didn’t know what we were up against. Then it was scary because my co-workers died.” 
  • Nurses experienced moral distress and a sense of powerlessness as they witnessed patients’ deteriorating conditions. 
  • Doubts regarding the efficacy of masks and vaccinations were prevalent, with nurses lamenting the lack of appreciation for their efforts. 
  • Amid challenges, nurses reflected on how their participation in the ICU during the pandemic transformed them, emphasizing the healing power of human connection. 

The insights from these interviews underscored the need for comprehensive support mechanisms to fortify nurse well-being and alleviate burnout. Dr. Watson’s team proposed a multifaceted approach: advocating for paid training initiatives, cultivating a culture of peer support and debriefing, and establishing appropriate nurse-to-patient ratios.

Presenting their research at the 2024 Western Institute of Nursing (WIN) conference, Sara, Gabby, and Dr. Watson were heartened by the responses they received. Several nurses expressed profound gratitude for the team’s efforts, with many visibly moved by the tangible impact of their findings. One nurse, through tears expressed, I was there. I lived this.”

Jamie Nelson, an associate professor and research scientist working in Montana, shared, “I was an ICU nurse during COVID, and nobody is talking about this. Thank you for doing this study. I want to give you a hug.”

Sarah Sumner, an ICU nurse working in California, emphasized, “This is huge because we need to find better ways to support our nurses in the field.”

In addition to presenting their research poster during the 2024 WIN conference, Sara and Gabby distributed a free Helper Pocket Card (2020) with techniques that nurses in the study found helpful in the ICU. Developed by Dr. Beth Hudnall Stamm, the card offers actionable items and tips for transitioning to and from work modes.

Inspired by the experience, the students are exploring aspects of nursing support and patient care, including ICU nurses’ decision-making process, peer support dynamics, mindfulness integration, care for neurodiverse patients, and simulation training.

Gabby commented, “This research project has inspired me to explore the complexities ICU nurses encounter, even beyond the significant complications of COVID-19,” she says. “I have felt a deep connection to Christ in these efforts. He seeks out the lost sheep, leaving the 99 to bless the 1. I hope to increase awareness of how to care for neurodiverse individuals. By advocating for the one, I feel I am following in Christ’s footsteps by trying to ensure that no one is left behind.”