Learn about new tutoring resources offered through Y-Serve.

Symbria Lewis is a fifth-semester nursing student who is also a program director with Y-Serve. “Y-Serve wants to become more involved and create tutoring opportunities specific to colleges, and the College of Nursing is their guinea pig,” Symbria explained. “I’m the liaison that handles communications between the College of Nursing and Y-Serve, and I am trying to bridge Y-Serve’s existing program to meet our college’s needs.”
While the program is just starting, students can get involved. “Currently, we’re hoping to recruit tutors and people who would like tutoring in three specific classes to get momentum with this,” Symbria explained. Those three classes are Nursing 294 (Health Assessment and Promotion), 300 (Pharmacology in Nursing), and 341(Nursing Care of Adults with Acute and Chronic Illnesses).
“What we need right now is for enough of our older students to be willing to come and help,” she continued. “Then we need younger students to look and sign up for tutoring and use the resource. Once it’s a little bit more well-known and people realize that it is a resource available to help them, we’re hoping to see an expansion. Tutors can help with any class, but we’re asking that they do at least one of these three because they are some that students typically struggle with. It’s a great opportunity for older students to continue learning to remember and review before taking NCLEX. It also is something that we are counting as PCMI hours. They need to do three sessions to account for PCMI. It’s a convenient, effortless way to get those hours done, benefiting you and someone else in the college. It creates those connections that help students feel like they can be successful and handle the program.” For Symbria, her connections with older students have helped her gain the confidence to move through the program.
Symbria expounds on the benefits of tutoring, saying, “Tutoring provides volunteer hours (and PCMI credit), looks great on your resume if you’re hoping to apply to graduate school, or carry on your education. It’s a way to distinguish yourself that’s easy. We’re asking for three hours for PMCI, but even if someone’s willing to do it just once, we’ll still take you.” Capstone students may feel that tutoring is unnecessary. Symbria encourages these students, “Tutoring gives you a chance to revisit the information you haven’t reviewed or thought about for two years. It’s a great way to help you prepare for your NCLEX.”
If you’re interested in becoming or finding a tutor, visit yserve.byu.edu. Once on the page, scroll to the link “Find a Tutor, Be a Tutor.” From there, you can either apply as a tutor or find one to assist you. Symbria explained, “What we’re looking at on the application is that you are in good standing with Honor Code. Therefore, you can be a tutor for any class in which you received a B+ or higher.” Once hired, there is a short orientation meeting and resources that show tutors how to navigate the website and provide tips and tricks to help you be a successful tutor.
If you are interested, please sign up through the Y-Serve website. We hope to see this tutoring resource grow each semester.