Featured Alumni: Laurel Nunnery Skip to main content

Featured Alumni: Laurel Nunnery

Laurel Nunnery graduated from the BYU College of Nursing in 2004 along with her sister-in-law Jeanette Nunnery. Laurel and Jeanette each married a College of Nursing graduate, Jacob Nunnery and Joshua Nunnery, who are brothers.

Laurel worked as a med/surg and pediatric nurse at Timpanogos Reginal Medical Center from spring 2004 through fall 2007. She started full-time and gradually cut back to PRN as she had children. She also worked for Friday’s Kids Respite for about a year. Now she really works full-time as a wife and mother of three. She exclaims that this is the best, most worthwhile and favorite job ever. She looks forward to serving with her husband, Jacob, throughout their lives.

When asked how the College of Nursing has impacted her life she replied, “Now that I live in Texas, when people find out I studied at BYU, the next question is, ‘So, are you Mormon?’ And that opens doors to sharing the gospel. While in the College of Nursing I learned critical thinking skills, as well as practical medical information that gives me confidence to manage the health of my family. The hymn, ‘Lord I Would Follow Thee’ and the painting of Christ healing at the Pool of Bethesda have additional meaning to me and I can’t sing or see them without thinking of days in the College of Nursing.

“My love of learning and serving has increased also. Probably the greatest blessings of my time in the college are the friendships and family I have. I was surrounded by a class of talented, bright, good people who continue to inspire me. Jeanette and I, along with a group of 3 other women (Misti [Wilcox] Sudweeks, Annette [James] Dahl, Emily Dougall) formed a study group in the pre-requisite classes. That study time formed strong friendships. Thankfully, we all were accepted into the College of Nursing at the same time and continued as study buddies and friends. We still keep in touch and have managed to have a reunion every year since we graduated in 2004. The icing on the cake is that Jeanette and Joshua set me up with Joshua’s brother, so Jeanette and I are sisters now and I have a wonderful husband!”